I know what it's like to suffer after encountering violence.

You lie awake at night for hours, exhausted, but your mind keeps racing, ever alert. Vigilant. Even when you do sleep, you might be jarred awake by a nightmare at any time, so what's worse? Sleeping or not sleeping?

A loved one coming up behind you in your own home startles you into fight or flight. You're on high alert all the time, expecting danger around every corner.

Relationships feel empty. You feel disconnected and alone. Even hopeless.

Anger overwhelms you even in response to things that you very rationally know are minor.

I experienced many of these on-and-off myself. For two decades.

From the outside, my life looked pretty good. I was successful in my career. I appeared to others like I had everything together.

But inside, I felt hollow.

It all seemed meaningless.

Like I was going through the motions of being alive.

It's amazing to heal into sleeping well at night.

Knowing peace.

Enjoying life and loved ones.

Experiencing the bliss and beauty of being alive.

These are available to you too.

You can heal.

You can thrive.

Even if you’ve been suffering for a long time.

Even if your previous attempts to get help haven’t worked.

I can help you through this with a hypnotherapy protocol that was the go-to treatment for soldiers who were having difficulty coping in World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War.

This protocol has turned around the lives of many, and often in a matter of only weeks.

Supporting you to heal and thrive in your life with this protocol is my specialty and my passion.

Schedule a free consultation so that we can discuss your situation and get you started, because life is too long to suffer through and too short to wait.